Like I'm going to tell you THAT! But some big names in the mutant game take a permanent powder, so to speak. Sleeping with the fishes, see? This was great, wish THIS director would have done the first two in the series. The first WAS good, it's mainly the second that perturbed me. The third was darker, bloodier, and the body count, man and mutant alike, was akin to watching Hamburger Hill at times. I was extremely impressed with this one. Major changes occurred, yet the door was left open for returns from the grave and numerous other possibilities. The cure also doesn't seem to be a permanent thing. I'm not worrying much about spoilers, by the way, if you haven't seen it by the time you read this aged post, then you deserve to have your bubble burst. If you even cared. The new Batman and revamped X-men makes me upbeat about the future of superheroes. Will the new Superman and next year's Spiderman trilogy finale be what I've always hoped and dreamed they might be? For ADULTS...
Now I don't mean I wanna see Iceman giving Rogue a frosty teabaggin' or Wolvie "slicin up" ol' Storm's sweet ebony ass with his hidden adamantium rod. I just dont wanna see clowny shit like in the 80's and 90's Batman films. I want to see action, no holds barred. I also want pain, and true criminal portrayel. Madmen don't care for the lives of the innocent, I want to see the hero make tough choices, not just always completely save the day. I want to see the dark side of it all, the downside as well as the good. This movie got a C+ in the Little Rock paper by the self proclaiming film critic extraordinaire. YEt Philip Martin is NEVER right. I usually gauge my plans on what he DOESN'T recommend. What do you expect from a jazz loving, wonder bra wearing, naughty lil corn boy?!?!?!?!
Did I say jazz? Ooops, I meant jIzz...
I gave it an A-. Blew my mind but not my wad. Close though...
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