Admittedly, I don't like people all over me at eateries or stores, I'm not really much of a social person, and strangers are DANGER to me. If I need help, I will ask. If I need my drink refilled or the check, I will signal properly. Usually with a, "Yo, lady, we're ready now!" Empty glasses should be put at the side of the table she comes around to check by. And DON'T refill my tea or coffee UNTIL I'm pretty much finished. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get it right?!?!?!? The ratio of sugar to whatever it is I'm drinking is critical, so "topping me off" really fucks up the equation. Do I put four sugars in my tea now? NO, because there is still who knows how much in the bottom!!! To me, it's like wiping your ass when you're only halfway done, just doesn't make sense, does it?
The only other thing I've done since the last postie was went to an AA meeting last night. I will have three years sobriety in October. But I don't go very often anymore. I'm a low maintenance recovering alkie, I don't need to be all up in it. Here's the delimna with this plan. I go to my first one in weeks last night, and everybody immediately assumes the worst when I re-show up. "How are you, Ronnie? No... REALLY. How ARE you?" THEN, when they offer up desire chips for newbies (or those who needed to do more research on alcoholism) everybody looks at ME. Some background: I am very unorthodox in my A.A.ness. I smoke pot. There I said it. But I don't remember ever betting a room full of people that I wasnt going to barf, THEN barfing, BECAUSE I WAS TOO HIGH . I dont remember ever vomiting all over my genitals because it "just felt right" while I was bare assed, pissing off a bridge in broad daylight BECAUSE I WAS TOO HIGH. I haven't a problem with the cheeba. In fact, I feel its done more wonders for me than any of those Paxils and Wellbutrins and Klonopins and Xanaxes ever did. An all natural antidepressant, imagine that. Now if it was just legal.
Man, I ramble off on a tangent. I am a happy guy who tokes, yet doesn't slurp the hooch. If I want to see drunken stupidity, I can watch others perform in my stead. Will I ever fall off the wagon? Remains to be seen, but I doubt it. Drunk people piss me off now, and I don't like the smell of it at all anymore. I've decided to make Fridays, if I can remember, MOVIE REVIEW DAY here at DITHOTL, or as I like to call it, "The LADLE."
I saw Poseidon LAST Friday night, it was "surprisingly good." B+, woulda been an A- but Kurt Russell was in it. Don't EVEN get me started about Kurt Russell...
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