Sitting on the deck in the backyard, smoking a grit. I've got all week off for spring break.
Going to take my parents to eat tomorrow, but the rest of the week will be spent cleaning and such. Maybe catch a few movies...
Going to take my parents to eat tomorrow, but the rest of the week will be spent cleaning and such. Maybe catch a few movies...
Saw 21 Jump Street Friday, it was pretty dang sweeet. Loved Depp getting one in the neck and dying. Woops, did I spoil something?
Tonight is the last episode of The Walking Dead. I already know what happens, so it wasn't spoiled for me by the masses online. Besides, I read all about what the comics have already done, and it's all good.
Then another 7 months to wait for more. Sadness.
Despair, lol.
Plus Missouri lost in the first round to a crap team.
Hey world, legalize Mary Jane and we'll call it even.