And his old lady.
He does the things he thinks are right. They turn out to not be right, in fact they are wrong in every sense of the word. This is usually because some evil succubus is whispering some of the most fucked up shit in his ear. Is that even an actual sentence?
From Adam and Eve to Bonnie and Clyde...
It all ends in a gory puddle of apple cores, ribs, and bullet ridden dollar bills.
And bankruptcy, self doubt, self discovery, self doubt, self discovery...
Until the day that The Walking Dead or Night of the Living Dead becomes a living reality, then we have to continue to suck that dick, twist that nozzle...
So my wife's friend used his GAY-DAR on me and failed.
Background: he looked just like MANGO.
Should I readjust my shit or continue to roll with the punches?
I actually have perfect GAY-DAR and wouldn't peg myself as he did.
Wishful thinking?
A simple arch of an eyebrow...?
Sometime soon I will post as was done did beforehand in the beforehandville...
Until then?
Stizz tizznooneezeedizzle on the shizznizzlebeeoznatch.
This time I fucking mean it.