A place where nobody dared to go...
Heaven, with tears, and pain once again. I'm tired of surprises. She, she, she...
Xanadu doesn't exist at all. I kept trying to tell myself this. I was wrong. You are killing me, you are killing me. My heart hurts so much. Why are you yet another person to reappear in my life, you are all like some sort of cruel purgatory.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Russell Porpoise...

Right now I'm laughing to Harland Williams, but earlier I was getting some Olivia Newton John love going. The question is:
Would a little more love make it right?
Are my dreams really hanging out in Xanadu?
I went to a party last night. I was stoned when I arrived, and went outside to smoke more. Then I got roped into shots of tequila. They weren't very big, maybe half sized. I wish I could've stayed a little longer to drain their bar, and forget to have trouble sleeping once more...
Invisibility, I think that would be a swell power. You could do whatever you wanted with it, bad or good. Maybe even a mixture of both.
You could become the truth, no one would know if you were in the room, or on the scene...
You could become vengeance, and retribution. Worldwide, or just in your own neck of the woods...
You could haunt someone, become their worst nightmare. Kill the ones they love and make them pay for having the gall, the nerve...
Personally, I think I would find a way to be an assassin. Kill some high profile people: Kim Jong Il, the Iranian guy whose name I can't pronounce or spell, and maybe Hugo Chavez to piss Sean Penn and Kevin Spacey off. Then take case by case jobs afterward and decide on my own if they are worthy to my personal cause.
Ahhh, to be a shark!!!
But to have a porpoise...
Don't be an octopuss.
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Worked today, had lots of drama there. Probably going to get some idiot schlub fired who served me a shitty breakfast in the cafeteria. Long story, but an email got sent to the VP of the company which got a response in about five minutes.
Heads rolling and asses handed...
I was supposed to go to some idiot party where they were going to kill two goats, then they were going to do karaoke. Somewhere in there I guess I'm some douche racist for getting sick on some shitty Mexican food, pardon moi, and got uninvited. Like I wanted to go anyway. They also said I complained about how shitty Mexican music is, which it is...
Well, it is!
So I think we were talking about seeing that new Exorcism movie. I bet it will suck, but we will see. Saw Survival of the Dead, it wasn't bad, but the CG was cold and lifeless. I think that's what pisses most of the fans off. Gotta do it right.
Someone give George Romero a decent budget to work with then. Fans bitch, but I don't see them chipping in...
OK, mein little chalupas. Time to check da Bookface.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Flying Fucked-Upped-Ness...

But I get up again?
Sadly, I am like Jason. I can't be killed.
Believe me, I've tried. I just don't think it can be done. I drink, I smoke, I masturbate too close to the screen. I even stand with my nuts next to the microwave when I'm cooking a kickass BBQ beef sammich...
So that, just in case, my kids still unborn will be too blissfully retarded to know WTF is going on in this mixed up shithole.
Dark sun rose on the ridge, cut clear across the sky,
As good a day as any to die...
No reservation, madam,
No reason to know why...
Running late, stiletto heels,
Try to cruise, send out the wheels...

The mess that was created. I'd say by me, but I'm not entirely sold on that point yet. I will say I'm not without fault.
I guess I'm just saying that anyone caught in the wirlwind of my bullshit came there of their own volition. You thought I was sane: I am not.
You thought I was just rolling in the motherfucking dough: I am not.
I will never trust or believe in something that is too good to be true. I can still smell the sizzled flesh from the last time.
I would like to believe you never meant to hit me in the face like this, metaphorically speaking... of course.
When you live on the hopes and dreams of other, and forget about yourself, then at some point you will be thrown to the wolves.
Torn asunder. Where do you go from there?
I do not GET ants, or anything else in the animal kingdom. Is evolution a one way ticket to suicide?
Does our thinking lead us off the beaten path to spiritual enlightenment?
Hogwash and poppycock!!!
You spend your life in preparation for this day,
Breathe in the air, it's loaded with fame...
check out those weapons, sister, before you hit that fray,
String of pearls meet bits of gems...
I want nothing, yet I want it all. I want to want nothing perhaps. Is this a struggle we all yet face?
I pretend to know nothing. Sadly, I know how it all turns out.
Want to know where it all leads?
We live in a cruel world where innocents die daily, yet we couldn't be bothered to give a fuck. Personally, I'm oblivious to it all. You could die in front of me and I couldn't give a flying fuck...
I live to not hear the noise of your dying breath. I live to hear you just not BE anymore.
I also like to project feelings about myself...

Page, page, page.
Paging Dr. Douchebag...
I realise my ramblings are not as interesting when I'm sober, but I'm sure that will be remedied in no time flat. I also need a smokie smokie or three to wash it down with. It just seems like the internet is dead to me lately again. I guess I should watch my words because that is usually the cue for my net to go down and leave me hanging.
I watch alot of documentaries and read alot online. And anytime someone poses a question I'm not sure about... I find out. Then I read a little farther back into it. I like to be in the know when I'm talking.
To be continued.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
The I Don't Have a Picture Post...
So I'm sitting here, right?
Mulling over the bad decisions in my life over a few or more drinks...
Which is worse, gambling or drinking?
At least I'm true to myself with my weaknesses.
Sometimes I feel like the 7th Stranger. A troubador for trouble, a bard for burglery of booteh.
I'm definitely, and easily, a wordsmith. Yet, I'm the Jim Morrison without the star power. Maybe someday...
I'm meant for bigger and better things.
Dare you join me?
Deep, dark piano lines are drawn, the shades are closed. The mental masseuse is now in session...
Mulling over the bad decisions in my life over a few or more drinks...
Which is worse, gambling or drinking?
At least I'm true to myself with my weaknesses.
Sometimes I feel like the 7th Stranger. A troubador for trouble, a bard for burglery of booteh.
I'm definitely, and easily, a wordsmith. Yet, I'm the Jim Morrison without the star power. Maybe someday...
I'm meant for bigger and better things.
Dare you join me?
Deep, dark piano lines are drawn, the shades are closed. The mental masseuse is now in session...
Friday, August 06, 2010

The thing I like the most about myself, although I have MANY faults, is that I can let fly with my emotions and make sense.
Maybe even sway you...
Letting fly is probably the hardest thing to do, because it gives people preconceived notions...
Let alone false ideas where you stand. I can understand how people try to rationalize things they do not understand. I just can't understand how people can go against their core beliefs to justify bringing an end to the means when it means tearing down the shit you grew up supposedly knowing and learning what was true.
I'm just trying to figure out ME, people.
Ohhhh, you're just a fallen hero.
Sadly, in life, many noteworthy deeds get trampled in the mud. they get misunderstood, they get
misinterpreted. People wnt to see what they want to see, rationale be damned!!!
Ohhh no, no.
Ohhh no, no.
Ohhh no, no.
Ohhh no, no.
Ohhh no, no....
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Sift Through This...

Dinner for Schmucks...
The only really funny parts were with Zak and Carell trying to mindfuck with each other. It was more miss than hit for me. I think Zak needs his own vehicle to superstardom. A spinoff of this with Carell, anything. Rudd was lame and wishy washy as usual.
So I was surfing the net, thinking about all this deep ass shit. Or stonily thinking it was...
Until I finally thought it'd be a good time to share here.
By then I'm depleted. Nothing witty or silly.
It's one in the a.m.
I should be asleep. Just a few more...
Pshwoooooooop. Pshwoooooooooooooooooop.
Finishing off My Name is Earl.
I'm such a wild mofo.
Waiting for the phoenix to arise from these cigarette ashes...
Sunday, August 01, 2010
I Just May...

I have a fucking hangover. And my armpits smell like someone rubbed a Big Mac on them.
Last night I slammed a pint of 100 proof vodka.
Why I did this, I'll never know.
I had a good time, though. Today I signed into my other Facebook account and checked out the 20 year reunion I didn't go to pictures.
OK, just took a shower. I feel better but still...
Something is amiss.
Somebody better get their shit together, because this cowboy is heading out west if it doesn't.
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