Yeah, he could use some serious eyebrow trimming action. I know this. He knows this.
I just got back from seeing Couples Retreat. Of course everyone ends up in danger of splitting, but in the end they all find what it was that they'd lost: each other.
Another message to listen to, to be wary of things...
Ehhhh. Real life isn't like this. It is bitter, and vengeful. It is spiteful , it is...
Just bullshit. Everything that we are fed, it is just some bogus fantasy where we tell ourselves that the whole point of being
isn't just to end up in misery. Stuck. I go to work and I see everyone pairing up. It amazes me that people get mad when you talk to the person they're messing around with there. I always tell them if they have a problem, I can take it up with their wife instead. I don't care anymore as far as all that is concerned.
I don't ever want to play that wierd game, be part of all that. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say. Now I don't even want to talk about any of it.
I still feel deep waves of
who knows what the fuck but now it doesn't seem to pitch me as far down, or maybe I'm just numb and used to it. When I can forget it isn't so bad. It is just the times that I'm forced to remember...
So Couple's Retreat was decent. I had a few chuckles, and overall it wasn't too bad. I give it a B.
I posted on the Chiefs before, and had planned on going somewhere to watch the game. By the time I got everyone ready, they were losing. We went anyway, and miraculously they pulled it out. A win in overtime is still a win, and against the Superbowl Chumps no less.
Sorry Big Ben. Sleepytime, she comes...
That made me feel better. My team is on a two game win streak.
So one more day of work and it's turkey time. I know I keep saying it, but it is time to get back to where I was. Forget all the crap, focus. Focus. Focus.
No distractions.
No one fucking up my plan.
Wait, what plan...?
Where's Hannibal when you need him?
Instead I get Mr. Peepers.