Put the needle on the record when the drumbeat goes like this:
"Untz untz... untz untz untz!"Techno?!?!?I have moved out of my computer room, and now all my shizz is nestled snugly in the corner of my bedroom. It was nice watching TV on hulu with my pc, instead of being forced to see whatever is being thrown out there on DISH. I'm also getting shit squared away so I can start doing things with my webcam, maybe do a little vlogging. The lighting is way better in here anyway so...
I also have a little handheld cam, but you gotta have an assload of lighting for that, so it's pretty much an outside thang. Either way, now I can share the gloriousness of my ferret. However, I got rid of the guinea pig over the weekend. That piece of crap was a waste of space. All I did was feed and water it, then it would fill its cage with poo and peeness, I'd clean it, and the process would start again. I couldn't sneak around the house for shit either, anytime she knew I was around, or heard me crinkling anything, she'd start shrieking because she was always hungry.
Or I'd be fucking busy, and she'd bite the bars on the cage. That can be extremely distracting when you are trying to do yo thang...
"Not cool at all."Taint a good thang...So I'm not missing her in the least, and I told my kid that her friend better not try to give it back. All sales final, even though it was free. And, hey, I threw in a whole giant back of feed AND bedding. Out of my hands now...
We saw A Perfect Getaway yesterday, and it was pretty decent. Steve Zahn was awesome as always, but something about Milla just bugs me. I don't find her attractive. And I knew they were the bad guys all along, the mistake of reading the wiki synopses beforehand. They didn't spoil it, but they mentioned the mother of all twists. And they tried to make it look like everyone they met up with on the Hawaiian trails was the creepiest couple you could ever possibly not want to meet up with... on said trails. I give it a solid B, but it could've done alot more with what they had. Delusional, crack loving lovers stealing people's very lives, let alone their identities.
What else can I think of? Ummmm, on vacation this week, gonna do some stuff around the house. I'm getting my insurance check finally, and it's about $3200, and that is nice to have coming in. I'm turning my computer room into my daughter's new bedroom, and I gotta buy a new dresser and bed. A few other things. She can set up her guitar in there, and I'm not sure if they are going to move the drumset out or not. Jam out!!!
"Is this guy for realz?!?!?"Boring.Geez, whadya want, for me to be all bleak, and how much life sucks, and wah wah wahhhh?
When I get my money, I will also be making a cage for my ferret, probably behind me. She will not like this, as she has never been caged, but I have to do this. She likes to poop wherever, and I can't seem to get her house trained. She will use the litter box when I catch her getting ready, but otherwise she doesn't seem to care.
This blog seems to have degenerated into poo and pee, body parts and drugs, murder and mayhem. At least this entry, so on that note...
I will bid you adieu.