She already had a skate party today, with cake, presents, and friends. Now two of them are here for the night...
"He comes out looking like Ricky Skaggs?!?"
Run for your lives!!!
I'd rather face the Pale Man myself. At least he won't bore you with his bluegrass nasal wheezings. Kidding!!! I know some of you may be a big fan of his. Ok, one of you...
So I don't know what tomorrow brings birthday-wise, but I'm sure it involves me working hard to make it come to fruition.
"While I'm here..."
I saw Pirates 3. It was extremely long, and there tweren't any decent swordplay, if any, until the end. The end of a 2 hour and 48 minute snoozefest I tell you!!!
It wasn't bad, but it was far from the first installment, I give it a C+ only due to good special effects. Johnny Depp wasn't even likeable in this, he did nothing throughout to redeem himself. And Orlando pouted and preened like the dandy he is.
"Chick's still pretty hawt..."
Even has a hearbeat!!!
Nothing could save this lump of poo. You wanna talk about near death experiences?!?!?!?!?
I'm counting this as one of my more recent ones...
So happy birthday to my personal favorite person in the whole wide world!!!
I love you sweety, and I know, I know...
I gotta go to the mall and get those Healies before school is out so you can show them off. I'm such a square...
"You're such a good daddy..."
Hey, my parents never bought me those parachute pants I wanted so desperately!!!
Such is life.