Clocks go slow in a place of work
Minutes drag and the hours jerk
So get back to work an' sweat some more
The sun will sink an' we'll get out the door
It's no good for man to work in cages
Hits the town, he drinks his wages
You're frettin', you're sweatin'
But did you notice you ain't gettin'?
Don't you ever stop long enough to start?
To take your car outta that gear
Don't you ever stop long enough to start?
That's how it feels. I ain't gettin' and I'm gettin' a little weary of frettin'. The sweatin' is startin' to piss me off too! It's been a long hard week at work as well. Jamming to a Little Sandinista by the Clash right now. So what's new?
Went to Springfield for Russell's funeral. I got into Springfield kinda late, then did a snatch and grab mission on my sister. We went over to Keith's house, where I met up with he, Greg, Bennie, Bennie's indian lass, and Jennifer. Keith and Jenn were already well on their way when I got there and were reliving past tragedies. And falling down alot, mostly Jennifer.
Ok ok, all Jenn.
But Greg saved the day and got us out of there intact. We headed over to Sam's. I met up with Russ's cousin Kenny, his two kids, Sam, Roy Jones, old hangout chicks named Theresa and Meredith, and other assorted peoples whose names escape me at the moment. Believe me, brow furrowed deeply remembering the names I did put down. So, I saw alot of cool pictures of Russ and the Philzone site he used to post messages at. I was feeling kinda down, and the weed I brought wasn't hitting hard enough for some reason. I was hoping somebody had the "killer" bud. Sam asked me if I'd been
adjusted yet.
I said, "No, I feel kinda
maladjusted, to tell you the truth."
He bellowed, "Well-l-l-l then! Let's get this man his
adjustment then!!!!"
He hands me a pipe with black stuff smeared in it. Hash, he says. It was very nice, and had a good body high. I would like to dance with THAT devil again...
Yay for me! I can check hash off the list now, if such a list exists.
The next day, after buying new shirt and shoes for my suit, I stop over at Sunny Valley to chat with Russ one last timeand smoke an obligatory doobie. When I finish, it starts pouring down hard and a lightning storm spun its macabre web in the sky, RIGHT OVER THE FUNERAL HOME WHERE RUSS WAS AT. And I had just asked for a sign.
Go figure. Russ was always like that...
Proving me wrong.
(The rest of the story tomorrow as it is 2:35 in the morning and I am a wreck. I can't keep my eyes open any longer.)