A little something I whipped up that makes a great desktop wallpaper. I loved her in Land of the Dead, she can beat the dog slobbers out of me anytime! Then I remembered that she was in XXX, although I don't plan on rewatching THAT turd of a movie again. Those eyes. Those pouty lips. It's all saying so much to me...
"I'm a slut, Ronnie. Take me."
That, AND the fact that she is NOT a bashful gal. I've seen her in an Italian magazine bearing ALL, along with some goofy looking choad, probably some Italian doofus. She has some kind of angel tattoo that goes all the way down from her belly to her hoo-hoo-nilly.
I DO like her so.
So anyways, I just thought I'd share that with all of ye. Had a great time with my niece this past weekend, she was a doll. It's weird hanging with someone that young that you have to really pay constant attention to, I'd forgotten what it was like. Cindi is pretty "low maintainence" and self entertaining, so it's been awhile. But good times were had and some energy was burned off. By both of us. Probably more ME than HER. Hah!
What's on tap tonight, you ask?
I bought the Syncronicity concert (83) from the Police on DVD for only $10. I plan on throwing it on the bigscreen(53") with surround sound tonight and kicking back. I also got Almost Heroes, with Chris Farley. This is a must, as it was his last film before his untimely demise. And it's a doozy!
So I'm just gonna kick it here at the flippity flop floop and slow roll my way into sweet oblivion...
Won't you join me...?
R.I.P. Bill Phillips. Died last week, put in the ground today. I knew him for around 11 years. We used to tell on each other for not wearing our beardnets. He was a strange old man with George Hamilton eyebrows, but he was cool. Too bad he smoked like a freight train. He was 90 pounds when he died...